How Does It Work : Band 09/Gold
Kshs 575.00
How does a yo-yo climb back up its string? Why does a boomerang come back to you? And how does a kaleidoscope work? These and other mind-bending questions are answered in this explanation text about how toys work. * GoldBand 9 fiction books offer developing readers literary language and stories with distinctive characters. * Text type – An explanation text.
* A table on pages 20 and 21 summarises what makes each toy featured in the book work, for example, magnets, friction or gravity. The book includes a glossary and an index on pages 22 and 23. Both provide lots of opportunities to check comprehension and stimulate work outside the reading session.
*Curriculum links – Art and design: Investigate materials; Science: Forces and movement. * This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery.
- Classifications: For National Curriculum Key Stage 1,
- Readership:Primary
- Format: Paperback softback 24 pages
ISBN : 9780007186273
Published : 5 Jan 2005
Author : Gill Matthews, Sylvia Karavis
Main Material : Paperback softback
Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers
Size : 216 x 174 x 3 (mm)
Weight : 76g
4 in stock