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SKU: 9781398368507

Kshs 16,500.00

This title has been endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education.

Created with teachers and learners in schools across the globe, Boost is the next generation in digital learning for schools and colleges, bringing quality content and new technology together in one interactive website.

The Cambridge Primary Computing Teacher’s Guides include a print handbook and a subscription to Boost, where you will find a range of online resources to support your teaching. – Confidently deliver the new curriculum framework: Expert author guidance on introducing new content with complete answers to all activities and questions in the Learner Book.

– Develop key concepts and skills: A wide range of activities, projects and worksheets help to build understanding.

– Support ESL: a range of guidance to help facilitate the most effective teaching in classrooms with mixed English abilities. – Enrich learning: Character artwork taken from the Learner’s Books to be used front of class plus audio recordings of key words.


Format: Multiple-component retail product 176 pages

Classifications: International curricula & examinations, Educational: IT & computing, ICT

ISBN : 9781398368507

Published : 31 Mar 2023

Author : Anand Maharaj, Cathy Augier-Gill, Lynton Aqui, Rosemarie Siewnarine, Shiva Maharaj, Sophia Jn. Baptiste

Size : 296 x 208 (mm)

Weight : N/A

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