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A Different Boy

Author: Paul Jennings
SKU: 9781910646465

Kshs 1,200.00

  • Classifications: For reluctant readers (children),
  • Readership:Children’s (6-12)
  • Format: Paperback softback 96 pages, Includes atmospheric and evocative chapter opening illustrations in black and white by Geo

ISBN : 9781910646465

Published : 2 Aug 2018

Author : Paul Jennings

Main Material : Paperback softback

Publisher : Old Barn Books

Size : 129 x 197 x 10 (mm)

Weight : 130g

2 in stock


‘The ship was a towering fortress looming over the pier. Anton stared enviously at the emigrants lining up in front of the wide gangplank. Heading off on a voyage to a land of peace and plenty.

Leaving the land of broken buildings and crushed hopes behind. Looking forward to sunshine and steaks. How he wished that he was one of the lucky ones.’Loosely based on Paul Jennings’ journey to Australia as a ‘ten pound Pom’, the story of Anton, who escapes from an orphanage and successfully stows away on a boat headed for the land of ‘sunshine and steaks’ has a timeless reality of its own.

It is a tale of loss, guilt, mistaken identity and taking risks but also surprisingly heartwarming and heartbreaking. Perfect for reluctant readers in upper primary and lower secondary, it speaks of loss, migration, reslience and courage. Beautifully illustrated by Geoff Kelly.

  • Classifications: For reluctant readers (children),
  • Readership:Children's (6-12)
  • Format: Paperback softback 96 pages, Includes atmospheric and evocative chapter opening illustrations in black and white by Geo