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Blood : Band 11/Lime

SKU: 9780007336210

Kshs 345.00

What is blood? How does it help us? How does it travel around the body? Find answers to all these questions, learn what the heart and lungs do and see what the difference is between veins, arteries and capillaries in this fun non-fiction information book. Useful diagrams and fun cartoons make these difficult concepts accessible and interesting. * LimeBand 11 books have longer sentence structures and a greater use of literary language.

* Text type: An information book. * A diagram of what blood is and how it travels around the body on pages 30 and 31 help children to recap what they’ve read. * Additional retrieval devices such as a glossary and index can be evaluated for their usefulness as children develop critical reading skills.

* Curriculum links: Science: Ourselves; Keeping healthy

  • Classifications: Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes
  • Readership:Primary
  • Format: Paperback softback 32 pages

ISBN : 9780007336210

Published : 1 Sep 2010

Author : Alan Baker, Martin Bolod, Sholto Walker

Main Material : Paperback softback

Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers

Size : 214 x 174 x 2 (mm)

Weight : 90g

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