Brighter Grammar Book 1 African Edition
Kshs 650.00
The learner is introduced to all the parts of speech, and shown how to recognise them by the work they do. There are lessons on: Nouns, common and proper, the simpler aspects of number, gender and case; Adjectives, of quality, of quantity, demonstrative and interrogative; Sentences, parts of sentences (subject, predicate and object), the distinction between sentences and phrases. As in all the books, there are numerous exercises on every section of the work.
- Classifications: English,
- Readership:Primary & Secondary Education
- Format: Paperback softback 88 pages
ISBN : 9780582609716
Published : 26 Sep 1983
Author : C Eckersley, C.E. Eckersley, Margaret Macaulay, Phebean A. Ogundipe, Phebean Ogundipe
Main Material : Paperback softback
Publisher : Pearson Education Limited
Size : 126 x 192 x 33 (mm)
Weight : 90g
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