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Brown Bread and Honey : Band 12/Copper Band

SKU: 9780007228775

Kshs 345.00

The King lived in a castle high on the hill and he loved food! Every day was filled with milkshakes and muffins, puddings and pumpkins, chicken and chocolate…as many yummy things as the cooks could bake. But the king was getting slower and fatter – who could help him to get back on his horse and have fun again? * CopperBand 12 books provide more complex plots and longer scenes that develop reading stamina. * Text type – A play adapted from a humorous story.

* Curriculum links – Science: Health and growth; Citizenship: Children’s rights – human rights. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader

  • Classifications: For National Curriculum Key Stage 2,
  • Readership:Primary & Secondary Education
  • Format: Paperback softback 24 pages

    ISBN : 9780007228775

    Published : 2 Jan 2007

    Author : Mark Carthew, Pamela Allen

    Main Material : Paperback softback

    Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers

    Size : 240 x 186 (mm)

    Weight : 100g

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