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Cambridge IGCSE Geography Study and Revision Guide

SKU: 9781471874055

Kshs 1,500.00

Providing guidance that helps students practice and troubleshoot their exam technique, these books send them into their exam with the confidence to aim for the best grades. – Enables students to avoid common misconceptions and mistakes by highlighting them throughout- Builds students’ skills constructing and writing answers as they progress through a range of practice questions- Allows students to mark their own responses and easily identify areas for improvement using the answers in the back of the book- Helps students target their revision and focus on important concepts and skills with key objectives at the beginning of every chapter- Ensures that students maximise their time in the exam by including examiner’s tops and suggestions on how to approach the questions- Contextualise knowledge with case studiesThis title has not been through the Cambridge International Examinations endorsement process.

  • Classifications: International GCSE (IGCSE),
  • Readership:Children Juvenile
  • Format: Paperback softback 128 pages

    ISBN : 9781471874055

    Published : 28 Apr 2016

    Author : Dave Watson, David Watson, Helen Williams, Paul Hoang

    Main Material : Paperback softback

    Publisher : Hodder Education

    Size : 298 x 211 (mm)

    Weight : 354g

    4 in stock