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Cambridge Lower Secondary Computing 7 Student’s Book

SKU: 9781398369320

Kshs 3,500.00

This title is has been endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education Deliver an exciting computing course for ages 11-14, building on students’ existing computing skills and experience whilst demonstrating new concepts, with practice opportunities to ensure progression. – Recap and activate students’ prior knowledge with ‘Do you remember?’ panels and introduce more advanced skills with ‘Challenge yourself!’ tasks. – Allow students to demonstrate their knowledge creatively with engaging end of unit projects that apply skills and concepts in a range of different contexts.

– Develop computational thinking with an emphasis on broadening understanding throughout the activities. – Provide clear guidance on e-safety with a strong focus throughout. ContentsIntroduction1 Block it out: Moving from blocks to text2 Decomposing problems: Creating a smart solution 3 Connections are made: Accessing the Internet 4 The power of data: Using data modelling5 Living with AI: Digital data6 Software development: Planning and prototypingGlossary Index

ISBN : 9781398369320

Published : 30 Sep 2022

Author : Ben Barnes, Margaret Debbadi, Pam Jones, Tristan Kirkpatrick

Language : English

Main Material : Paperback softback

Publisher : Hodder Education

Size : 214 x 276 x 12 (mm)

Weight : 680g

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