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Phonics CD-Rom

SKU: 9780007232987

Kshs 17,395.00

10 minutes a day is all you need to learn to read! This bright, lively CD-ROM featuring Big Cat and his friends provides all you need to teach synthetic phonics in a fast, fun, systematic way. * Developed by teachers for teachers, Collins Big Cat Phonics is easy to use and be sure you are getting it right. * Every session runs automatically – so you can concentrate on observing and assessing your children’s progress.

* Structured daily sessions provide fast, focused phonic fun, with lots of repetition and practice for reading and writing. Big Cat and his friends introduce you to 42+ phonemes through 10 minute daily sessions, helping every child learn how to become readers and writers. Collins Big Cat Phonics teaches children to:- hear the sound- read the graphemes that represent the sound- blend the sounds through the word- segment the sounds into words- read and write sentences which put all they’ve learned into practice.

* Interactive games also help consolidate phonic skills and engage children. * The programme is designed to be flexible: use on interactive whiteboards with large groups or by individual children on PCs.

  • Classifications: For National Curriculum Early Years,
  • Readership:Primary & Secondary Education
  • Format: CD-ROM col.

ISBN : 9780007232987

Published : 1 Sep 2006

Author : Kay Hiatt

Main Material : CD-ROM, CD-ROM col.

Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers

Size :

Weight : 84g

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