First Steps Out of Weight Problems
Kshs 575.00
‘First Steps Out Of Weight Problems’ is a back-to-basics guide packed with practical advice for anyone struggling with their weight. You’ll learn to calculate how many pounds you should lose (or gain) for good health, and discover the facts about why weight gain occurs and how you can reverse it. The book explains different approaches to slimming, and their pros and cons – and you’ll learn how, by understanding how your body works, you can achieve a healthy size through simple changes to your diet and activity levels.
There are also clever tips for boosting your weight loss, tried-and-tested strategies for maintaining your motivation, and advice for keeping the extra pounds off for good – plus lots of helpful tips from successful slimmers who’ve achieved their goal weight.
- Classifications: Diets & dieting
- Readership:General (US: Trade)
- Format: Paperback softback 96 pages
ISBN : 9780745955384
Published : 17 Feb 2012
Author : Catherine E Francis, Catherine Francis
Main Material : Paperback softback
Publisher : Lion Hudson Ltd, Lion Hudson Plc
Size : 179 x 125 (mm)
Weight : 99g
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