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Flash Harriet and the Loch Ness Monster : Band 13/Topaz

SKU: 9780007230822

Kshs 690.00

Flash Harriet , the famous girl detective, is on the trail of a crime… and it has led her to the shores of Loch Ness. Find out what happens in this comic detective story.

* Topaz Band 13 books offer longer and more demanding reads for children to investigate and evaluate. * Text type – A humorous story. * There are chapters, which give the book an adult feel.

* There is a reader response page, which gives important clues to the ‘Mystery at Swag Hall’. These help young readers review the plot and know the importance of clues in their own adventure writing. * Curriculum links – Citizenship: Respect for property; DT: Moving monsters.

* This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader

  • Classifications: For National Curriculum Early Years,
  • Readership:Primary & Secondary Education
  • Format: Paperback softback 32 pages

ISBN : 9780007230822

Published : 4 Jan 2007

Author : Karen Wallace

Main Material : Paperback softback

Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers

Size : 213 x 149 x 3 (mm)

Weight : 76g

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