Fly Facts : Band 07/Turquoise
Kshs 275.00
An informative picture book that presents a larger-than-life look at the fly and explains that flies can be very useful – despite their capacity to carry germs and cause disease! The humorous cartoons, captivating photographs and informative captions provide a fascinating insight into this common and pesky insect. * Turquoise Band 7 books offer literay language and extended descriptions, with longer sentences and a wide range of unfamiliar terms. * Text type – A non-chronological report.
* Pages 22 and 23 give children the chance to recap and discuss the information covered. * Curriculum links – Science: Plants and animals in the local environment. * This information book is paired with a fictional story on a similar theme: Harry the Clever Spider by Julia Jarman.
* This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery.
- Classifications: Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes
- Readership:Primary
- Format: Paperback softback 24 pages
ISBN : 9780007186082
Published : 20 Sep 2004
Author : Janice Marriott
Main Material : Paperback softback
Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers
Size : 169 x 96 x 3 (mm)
Weight : 78g
3 in stock