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SKU: 9780007231287

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Build your child’s reading confidence at home with books at the right levelHeroes and monsters; gods and goddesses; adventure and excitement: all are to be found in this book, which contains four well-known myths and legends from Ancient Greece told in an accessible style. Find out how Theseus killed the minotaur, how Daedelus escaped from the maze and why Herakles longed for a rest!Sapphire/Band 16 books offer longer reads to develop children’s sustained engagement with texts and are more complex syntactically.

A humorous magazine interview with Herakles on pages 54 and 55 help children to recap the myth of The Labours of Herakles and examine how another text type might represent the material. Text type: Three traditional talesCurriculum links: History: Who were the Ancient Greeks? How do we use Ancient Greek ideas today?This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.


Format: Paperback / softback 56 pages

Classifications: For National Curriculum Early Years, Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes, Educational: study & revision guides

ISBN : 9780007231287

Published : 1 Sep 2008

Author : Diane Redmond

Size : 210 x 156 x 5 (mm)

Weight : N/A

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