How To Be A Knight : Band 09/Gold
Kshs 575.00
Here is everything you need to know about being a knight, from from being a young page to being knighted. This humorous non-fiction book explains all the tasks, training, outfits and privileges that came with the job. * GoldBand 9 fiction books offer developing readers literary language and stories with distinctive characters.
* Text type – An information book. * There is a contents page (on page 1), listing the ’10 easy stages’, plus an illustrated glossary and index on pages 22 and 23. * Curriculum links – History: Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past.
* This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery.
- Classifications: For National Curriculum Early Years,
- Readership:Primary & Secondary Education
- Format: Paperback softback 24 pages
ISBN : 9780007186754
Published : 1 Sep 2007
Author : Scoular Anderson
Main Material : Paperback softback
Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers
Size : 213 x 147 x 6 (mm)
Weight : 62g
4 in stock