Minibeasts : Band 01a/Pink a
Kshs 405.00
The brightly coloured photographs in this picture book show common minibeasts that most children will be familiar with. Photographs alongside the minibeasts show children grouped and made up to resemble the insect featured. * Pink ABand 1A books offer emergent readers very simple text supported by illustrations.
* Text type – A simple information book. * Smaller versions of all the photographs are repeated on pages 14 and 15 so children can retell the information in their own words. * This non-fiction book is paired with a story on the same theme: The Picnic by Monica Hughes.
* This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery
- Classifications: For National Curriculum Early Years,
- Readership:Primary
- Format: Paperback softback 16 pages
ISBN : 9780007185375
Published : 5 Jan 2005
Author : Siobhan Hardy
Main Material : Paperback softback
Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers
Size : 210 x 198 x 6 (mm)
Weight : 68g
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