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SKU: 9781316500781

Kshs 360.00

Our international primary reading series will help your learners become confident, independent readers.  Sami and Max got some blankets, some string and some pegs. Look at the den they make. Pink B books support children starting on their reading journey. Titles in this band typically have 30-60 words, colourful illustrations and lots of repetition to help word recognition. Contains full teaching support including learning outcomes, curriculum links and follow-up activities.


Format: Paperback / softback 16 pages, Worked examples or Exercises

Classifications: Educational: English language: readers & reading schemes

ISBN : 9781316500781

Published : N/A

Author : GabPritchard

Main Material : Paperback softback

Publisher : Cambridge University Press

Size : 182 x 220 x 3 (mm)

Weight : 52g

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