Practical Welding
Kshs 5,750.00
This title has been written for students taking welding courses at technical schools, colleges and other training institutions. It should also be of use to other courses where welding forms part of the studies, such as in construction and metalwork. Welding theory is structured around practical information and welding processes.
This is supported by illustrations and examples of actual welding tasks and jobs. The underlying focus of this text is that of relating the principles of welding to actual practical situations. The “Motivate” series has been developed to meet the need for practical, appropriate and up-to-date technical and vocational core textbooks.
The series is based on the principle that each book must be relevant to the needs of the reader, and contain all that is required for a comprehensive understanding and study of the subject area. Each title in the series highlights the key concepts; includes illustrations, examples and exercises; features end-of-chapter summaries allowing for self-check, followed by exercises and questions; answers to the questions and a list of key words.
- Classifications: Welding
- Readership:FurtherHigher Education
- Format: Paperback softback 256 pages, illustrations, index
ISBN : 9780333609576
Published : 23 Aug 1994
Author : Bernard Amoako-Awuah, Stuart Gibson, Stuart W. Gibson
Language : English
Main Material : Paperback softback
Publisher : Macmillan Education, Moran (E.A.) Publishers Limited
Size : 278 x 219 x 16 (mm)
Weight : 658g
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