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SKU: 9970405215

Kshs 580.00

During this period when most developing countries are strongly advocating modernization, emphasis is being put on the teaching of science in all schools as one way of achieving economic and social development. A lot of science inputs, therefore, are purchased and put into schools by either the Government or School Managers. There is a need therefore for the personnel handling science in all educational institutions to be equipped with two important tools to enable them maximumly handle these inputs. These are, laboratory management skills and laboratory safety procedures.

Laboratory management is concerned with provision of materials for laboratory- work. maintenance of equipment and proper organization of the laboratory while safety in laboratories calls upon clean and tidy habits, good discipline, strict prohibition of unauthorized experiments, teachers’ knowledge and understanding of hazards involved, and above all, the teacher’s role play.

Teachers of science and their support staff, should have skills for managing the science materials in their control, be aware of the hazards associated with some of the science materials, the safety precautions and First-Aid procedures to take in case of accident.

This book should be regarded as suggesting only minimum requirements. Teachers of science have a responsibility to themselves and to the pupils they are teaching to consider all possible precautions consistent with imaginative teaching and common sense. They further have a responsibility of advising the school managers on what is essential for the proper running of the science department.

It is hoped that this book will be of help, to science teachers. Laboratory Attendants/Assistants and School Managers, in guiding them to the proper management of the science resources in their schools and in planning of lessons and in advising of pupils, thereby encouraging the development of necessary safety skills.

ISBN : 9970405215

Published : N/A

Author : Webb H.

Language : English

Main Material : Paperback

Publisher : MK Publishers (U) Ltd

Size :

Weight : N/A

2 in stock

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