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Sound Phonics Phase Two: EYFS/KS1, Ages 4-6

SKU: 9780721711454

Kshs 395.00

Sound Phonics prepares children for full fluency in reading, writing and spelling by providing intensive practice in phonics. A comprehensive phonics resource, it is fully compatible with ‘Letters and Sounds’ and any other incremental phonics programme. Its graded activities, best completed with an adult, reinforce early literacy skills through listening and speaking, and support a multi-sensory approach.

Sound Phonics Phase Two is the second book in the series and a one-per-child activity book. It focuses on: practising letter Sets 1 to 5; recognizing letter shapes (supported by pictures and finger tracing); encouraging the use of ‘sound talk’ when segmenting words for spelling; separating words using ‘Sound buttons’ before blending for reading; practising ‘tricky’ words.

  • Classifications: Educational: English language & literacy
  • Readership:Primary & Secondary Education
  • Format: Paperback softback 47 pages

ISBN : 9780721711454

Published : 1 Jan 2010

Author : Carol Matchett, Schofield & Sims, Schofield & Sims

Main Material : Paperback softback

Publisher : Schofield & Sims Ltd

Size : 210 x 296 x 3 (mm)

Weight : 138g

15 in stock