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SKU: 9789914466461

Kshs 650.00

Spark Agriculture Teacher’s Guide for Grade 8 is written in conformity with the new competency based curriculum. It will assist teachers in effectively delivering the content of Spark Agriculture Learner’s Book Grade 8.


What this book offers you:

-Detailed coverage of all areas outlined in the curriculum design.


-Step-by-step procedures on how to guide learners to carry out each activity and project.


-Alternative learning activities and resources have been suggested to accommodate learners from diverse backgrounds or settings.


-Well-researched information for the teacher on various concepts.


-Detailed sample lesson plan and schemes of work to simplify the teacher’s work.


-Safety tips on the precautions to be taken when carrying out activities.


-Realistic suggestions on how to handle learners with special needs during classroom and outdoor activities.


-Answers to all assessment exercises in the Learner’s Book.


This book comes along with the most interactive Learner’s Book.


ISBN : 9789914466461

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