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Cloud Forest : Band 11/Lime

SKU: 9780007186419

Kshs 345.00

The photographs and text in this information book explain what a cloud forest is and reveal the many unusual and rare creatures adn plant that live ther. The report also considers the threats to cloud forest environments and the reasons why we should protect them. * LimeBand 11 books have longer sentence structures and a greater use of literary language.

* Text type – A non-chronological report. * Pages 30 and 31 feature a persuasive text in a poster format compelling us to act now to save the cloud forest. This provides lots of speaking, listening and writing opportunities.

* Curriculum links – Science: Plants and animals, Variation; Geography: Passport to the world. * This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery.

  • Classifications: For National Curriculum Key Stage 1,
  • Readership:Primary & Secondary Education
  • Format: Paperback softback 32 pages

ISBN : 9780007186419

Published : 1 Sep 2005

Author : Nic Bishop

Main Material : Paperback softback

Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers

Size : 264 x 191 x 3 (mm)

Weight : 132g

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