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The Drama of the Courtroom

SKU: 9781862873391

Kshs 4,650.00

This innovative teaching resource lists films with significant courtroom scenes, illustrating the dramatic and tactical aspects of adversarial practice, including the demonstration of evidentiary rules in practice. The structure of the filmography is divided into two parts: the subject index followed by the synopses of films (see samples below) and subdivided by jurisdiction. The book encourages debate and discussion about the uses and role of law and its assumptions, its techniques of fact-finding and mechanisms for establishing truth.

Covers civil and criminal law with a range of cases, from AIDS (Philadelphia) to war (Judgement at Nuremberg, QB VII), using films from the US, Great Britain, Australia and other countries.

  • Classifications: Films, cinema,
  • Readership:Tertiary Education (US: College)
  • Format: Paperback softback 140 pages

    ISBN : 9781862873391

    Published : 1 May 2000

    Author : John King, Kathy Laster, Krista Breckweg

    Main Material : Paperback softback

    Publisher : Federation Press

    Size :

    Weight : 184g

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