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The Baby Turtle : Band 03/Yellow

SKU: 9780007186594

Kshs 460.00

This photographic non-fiction book tracks the life of a turtle. Initially meeting the mother, we stay with her eggs and follow a hatched baby turtle along the dangerous sands to the sea. A story of survival, the turtle returns to the beach to lay its own eggs.

* YellowBand 3 books offer varied sentence structure and natural language. * Text type – A non-fiction recount. * A flow-chart on pages 14 and 15 provides an opportunity to recap and discuss the story.

* Curriculum links – Science: Life processes and living things; Humans and other animals. * This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery.

  • Classifications: For National Curriculum Key Stage 1,
  • Readership:Primary & Secondary Education
  • Format: Paperback softback 16 pages

ISBN : 9780007186594

Published : 1 Sep 2007

Author : Andy Belcher, Angie Belcher

Main Material : Paperback softback

Publisher : HarperCollins Publishers

Size : 158 x 110 x 2 (mm)

Weight : 84g

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